Let me start off by saying, this post is going to be a little different than the rest of them.
Now, I bet you may be wondering why that is, and that would be because I don't have a lot of experience with this one. I have been trying to get through being in college during a pandemic for just as long as you have, and for me personally, it has not been a walk in the park.
So, as you can tell, today I will be sharing with you my experience with COVID-19 and some advice I have on getting through college during a pandemic.

First, I'll start off by telling you how this all began. I remember when I had first heard about this virus. In all honesty, I really didn't think much of it and figured it would all just blow over in just a couple weeks. I remember celebrating with my friends when I had first heard we would have two weeks of school off. I celebrated because, at the time, I truly believed we would be returning after those two weeks were over. Little did I know that it would be SIX months before I would get to return to Longwood.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved being at home and getting to spend time with my parents and hometown friends, but six months away from my college friends was not easy. Which is exactly why I am so grateful to be back at school now. However, I can’t hide the fact that things are nowhere near the same as they used to be.

Additionally, realizing how different things are going to be this year while being a senior has made matters even worse. Since I was a Freshman, I’ve dreamt of the things I would get to do as a senior, and now I’m just sitting back as events that I've looked foward to are getting cancelled, postponed, or made virtual.
Well, that’s enough of my sob story.
Now, I bet you’re wondering why I am on my college advice blog telling my readers how much I’m struggling in COLLEGE. Well, because through these struggles, I’ve been forced to find the good in things. I’d like to say I’m the type of person who finds the good in even the worst kinds of situations, and that’s exactly what I’ve been trying to do since I’ve been back at school.
Below you’ll find some tips that I have put together that have made getting through college during a pandemic just a little bit smoother for me. (And I hope that they can help you out too)
Make the most of it: This has been a hard one for me, but something I have had to keep reminding myself whenever I’m feeling down. While I’ve faced the fact that I will not be having a “normal” senior year, I remind myself that its only going to be as good as I make it. If I had a bad attitude about everything that’s going on, then I probably would be miserable right now. I tell myself EVERYDAY about how lucky I am to be at school right now instead of being stuck at home taking online classes. Try your best to have a positive outlook on everything, do what you can given the circumstances, and as Hannah Montana would say, Life’s What You Make It.
Get creative: Like I said above, do what you can given the circumstances. Though we can’t do everything like we used to, we can still go to restaurants or hang out with friends if taking the correct precautions. Also, if you’re not comfortable with leaving your house or dorm room (which is totally okay too), plan zoom dates with your friends or family. I’ve discovered that there’s always a safer alternative to the way things used to be! Click here for some more ideas on how to get creative with social distancing.
We’re All In This Together: I should probably chill out with the song titles, but really, whenever you’re feeling down or just simply having a hard time, know that you’re not alone. I know when I start getting overwhelmed or upset about our current situation, talking to a friend (who more often than not can relate to how I’m feeling) makes me feel 100% better. I know everyone on my school’s campus is probably feeling similar to the way I am, so reminding myself that I am not alone has been a huge help for me.
If you’re in need of some more advice, check out this article or video below that include some more tips for students going to college during COVID-19.
I hoped this helped! Times are tough, but I know we will all get through this in the end. Tune in next week where I'll be sharing some cheap and easy college meal ideas!